Conference Papers
- Herfet, Th.; Haccius, C.; Matvienko, V.; Fort, S.: "A novel representation for digital Scenes",
40th International Conference and Exhibition on Computer Graphics and Interactive Technologies (SIGGRAPH Poster
Session), Los Angeles, July 2013.
- Haccius, Ch.; Herfet, Th.; Matvienko, V.; Eisert, P.; Feldmann, I.; Hilton, A.; Guillemaut, J.; Klaudiny, M.;
Jachalsky, J.; Rogmans, S.: "A novel Scene Representation for Digital Media", in Proceedings of the Networked
and Electronic Media (NEM) Summit 2013, Nantes, October 2013.
- Haccius, Ch.; Herfet, Th.; Matvienko, V.: "Representing and Presenting Digital 3D Scene Content", in
Proceedings of the PROLIGHT Workshop 2013, Nantes, October 2013.
Project Reports